Thursday, February 16, 2006

爱情其实好象等巴士… …

梁朝伟和徐若宣主演的电影 --《每天爱你8小时》,里头有这样一句对白,“爱情其实好象等巴士,这辆你嫌没有空调,不想上。那辆你嫌人多,也不想上。好不容易等到一辆人少的了,你又嫌不能直接到达你要去的地方。于是错过了一辆又一辆可以乘坐的巴士,等到你着急了,想着随便上一辆巴士吧,却发现大多的车已经满员了,已经没有你的位置了… …”


人,总是贪得无厌,总是希望所拥有的是最好的,是最完美的。然而,却总是忘了问自己是否也一样完美无缺。在你要求对方的同时也请以同样的标准来要求自己;因为在你挑剔着对方的时候,对方也可能正挑剔着你。如果你总以为自己高高在上,无几人能匹配,一心想找个完美伴侣。那么,也请你做好心理准备,你的“完美”,或许就只能留待孤芳自赏。因为在你等了又等,内心憧憬着下一位会更好的当儿,孰不知已与许多有缘人擦肩而过… …


朋友,如果你已错过了不少的巴士, 你是否仍要继续等下去,直到你心目中的理想巴士抵达?又或许, 在岁月蹉跎下,你打算随便上一辆巴士?我想,最佳做法,应该是在不完美当中寻找较理想的,这样才不至于一再错过适合的巴士并感叹不已;又或因为赶时间而随便上一辆巴士却因最终仍无法到达目的地而浪费更多时间,后悔不已。朋友,你又有何见解呢?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's!!!

Today's Valentine's Day and LOVE is in the air. I wish everyone a Happy Sweet Valentine's Day.

It is not only a day for the couples but a day for you and your loved ones, including your family members and friends. Spread love around and make the world a better place to live in (",)

在这爱的季节里,将爱的种子散播开来,与至亲至爱的家人,伴侣,及好友共享这一天,让世界更美好…… 愿你幸福,快乐……

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Arts or Arts of $???

Was chatting with a friend today. Am going to Singapore Borned LA Based Singer - Corrinne May's concert on this Sunday. Talking about the concert, everything's about $$$. Admin fee to be charged for each ticket. Buying a more expensive ticket? Chances are you need to pay a higher admin fee. It's seems that one is being penalised for catching a performance / an art show, etc which the ticket fee is usually not cheap . Collection fees also has to be charged even for collecting the tickets over the counter. Simply do not understand the rational. While Singapore is trying so hard to promote for Arts, I see that the Arts of $ is being promoted more vibrantly. When everyone is simply concerned and interested in the Arts of dollars and cents, I find it hard for the general public to be interested in the general arts. Or the message to be brought across is that, arts are rich men's stuff. If you can't afford it, forget about it...