Wednesday, August 31, 2005


一切已成定局,不论再争什么,又或再吵什么;都无法改变结果。况且,不论那一晚谁夺冠,都可能会引起异议。若是俊扬夺冠,伟联迷或许就会不甘,说他们投下这么多票,伟联不可能会输。 又或影射主办当局因为伟联的视障而否定他。若是欣卉赢了,大家又可能会说,她靠的是大马人民的支持,人多势众,自然能夺冠。有者更可能说以欣卉的外型及造型根本就没有SUPERSTAR的风范,怎可能夺冠?公说公有理,婆说婆有理;到底谁有理,实在难评理。

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


不再有悲伤、不再有离别、不再有心痛的那种世界 -- 天国。


Monday, August 29, 2005







对画画十分有兴趣的我,对您家中准备拿去展销的一幅画爱不释手,哪知您在一个月后把画送到寒舍,让我受宠若惊。 你知道我对画画极有兴趣,还把令公子以往在南洋艺术学院的实践品送来让我揣摩。




Saturday, August 27, 2005


词:庄淑珍 曲:柯贵民

走出黑暗的世界吧 朋友

走出黑暗的世界吧 朋友

你的眼睛 已被无情的手遮掩

走出黑暗的世界吧 朋友




Xi-yuan seemed to be feeling restless & bored, so I accompanied her to watch " The Maid" on yesterday. The storyline is easy to guess, nothing fantastic. So is it scary enough to scare you out of wits? Sorry to disappoint you, the answer is no. The most scary part about the whole movie is the stero sound effect which scares you for every now and then. No particular scene that makes your goose pimples popping up or causes you to have insomnia for the night.

However, it seems that the movie had managed to obtained much publicity with their extensive advertisements that people of other races also turned up for the movie and all with similar comments after viewing the movie. Even Autumn who never goes for ghost movie but eventually watched the movie by chance, commented the movie is not scary at all.

If you are looking for a ghost movie that really thrills & horrors you, the maid may not be able to satisfy your needs.

Picture downloaded from Channel News Asia webpage:

Friday, August 26, 2005


上图书馆,来到新加坡书籍部门,无意间找到女艺人,范文方《笔方说》的插画本。突然试想不知图书馆里是否也收藏着蔡伯伯的作品。使用电脑咨询,奈何结果令人失望。好可惜,蔡伯伯为教育及艺术所作出的贡献并没有获得相等的认同… 或许他的其中一些作品已不应时,可是总觉得被图书馆遗漏了好可惜,因为那些作品亦可显现时代的差异所构成文路及风格的不同,让后代能够了解新加坡创作的转变。



Saturday, August 20, 2005





感谢有音乐 ,作为心灵的治疗;动人旋律,触动心扉、在我脑海中荡气回肠…
最后,我要特别感谢一位在我心中占有非常重要位置的人,敬爱的山岜老人ˉˉ蔡哲明先生。很遗憾未能到您灵前一拜… 您总是宜师宜友般对待我、更对我宠爱有加、处处关心我;虽然我们毫无血缘关系,或许就因为我们五百年前可能是一家人的关系吧,冥冥中似有渊缘。您将永在我记忆中… 每每想到您,情绪便不能受控。蔡伯伯,您在云的另一端过得还好吧?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hot Discussion on Project Superstar

Well, today the hot topic is definitely "Project Superstar" programme. It's really very hard to predict who will win as there are many factors to contribute to each individual's winning.

I feel that overall, Junyang performance is generally much BETTER than Wei Lian in most rounds, but I love Wei lian's voice as it always touches me esp in sentimental songs. Wei Lian's yesterday's performance is not as good as compared to Junyang, but his yesterday's moves really touches my heart. Though both are sick, but I think Kelvin is still at a loosing end as blocked noose affected not only voice, but as well as breathing which may affect the pace of changing breathe, etc...

I personally favours Wei Lian, but will he win? I guess chances are slim, unless the singing company deceide to change strategy to groom him as a unique star like "Ou De Yang"? However, people are suggesting that miracle may happen since many people will vote him out of sympathy. I hate the word sympathy, why sympathy? Vote him because of his courage and most importantly his voice! Kelvin definitely deserves more than that!

Don't forget, among the last 4 contestants, he's the only one who has never undergone formal training before. If given formal training, he'll definitely perform even much better. Wei Lian's voice alone is enough to touch people's hearts. His courage is enough to motivate people to dare for your dream! He is smply great! He is like a glamourous as a star. I do hope miracle will happen.

As for the female contestants, Kelly performace has constantly fare well too. At Times, Xinhui's performance is not up to expectations, esp. when she chose the wrong song. However, her voice is simply powerful and have made vast improvement in her singing skills during the last few rounds. Xinhui's dressing sense do sucks at times. I think she needs to attend some grooming classes to have a better sense of dressing.

Again, people are suggesting that the neighbouring audience will vote hard for Xinhui. Com' on, she do have her strength. I don't speak for her because we come from the same country, but I really think that she can SING! Being a part of the neighbouring country, I would say, my fellows may support Xinhua spiritually, but to spend approx. RM$1.50 on a vote will probably make them think twice, especially when they get a meal as cheap as RM$2.00 only. As what I have mentioned, if tonight she managed to outshine Kelly, she'll have high chance of winning!

Anyway, these last 4 contestants do have their own strength. Whether who will win, it really depends on a lot of factors? Depending if there's any "kelong", depending on who's got more friends, audience & money to make calls & sms to support them, as well as their live performance.

So who do you think will win???

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


“若要支持伟联,请因为他的实力而支持他,不要因为同情!请给他应有的尊重!” 这是我想对投伟联一票的观众说的一句话。他需要的是肯定,而不是同情!这句话我也同样对我五十高龄的母亲说,我不反对她拨电投伟联一票,但反对她以同情为由,这对伟联十分不公平!



其实,如我早前说过,即使伟联无法入围最后一关,他已是《绝对SUPERSTAR》,在大家面前发亮发光! 我相信他参加《绝对SUPERSTAR》也起着不小的作用,启发大家勇敢追逐梦想!并说明视障人士也有权力追逐自己的一片天。




Friday, August 12, 2005


今天揭晓《绝对SUPERSTAR》第四场半决赛的成绩,Silver 和维健被踢出局了。维健被踢出局有点意外,可这是令人值得鼓舞的!因为这表示伟联入围下一回合。莫非为了大局着想,维健因此得说再见。就快要入伍了,若花大笔钱在他身上,或许不易回本。然而维健还很年轻,机会多的是。退伍后还大有作为,希望他能在服兵役期间多加锻炼体魄、改进歌艺,并纠正咬字不清的毛病。将来大有作为。况且谁知道,搞不好,他会成为另一个Slyvester?





Scribblings Found!

Again, ugly sights can be seen everwhere even though Singapore is well known for its cleanliness. Found the below scribblings on the wall in one of the toilets at Parco Bugis.

Hmm... Wonder what's the exact message that the author is trying to convey - Friendship is Great but Kinship is even Greater (友情诚可贵,亲情价更贵)? Would the author discreetly drop me a message to enlighten me, I promised! I will not reveal your identity nor report you to the police for vandalism...

Ugly Sights in MRT

Incident 1 - 10/08/2005
Yesterday was on board the MRT with two ladies sitting beside me. The train was rather packed as it is around 6.30pm when most people would have knocked off and on their way to home or to "party". When one of the ladies beside me got off from her seat to alight the train, many tired people stared hard at the vacant seat but no one approached it at all... I took a look at the seat and shook my head with a slight sigh... The lady beside me told me "It was already there before she seated on it". This really put me to shame for making assumptions that was untrue & unfair to the lady who board off the train.

What happened exactly? You must be curious huh? There was blood stain left on the seat, and naturally I suspect it was a surprise left by the earlier lady who sat on the seat. Actually I had my digital camera with me and I even took a shot of it, but somehow feel that it looked digusting and now is hesitating whether to post it on site.

Another thing that I wanna say, it is no wonder people say "NEVER assume" as it make an ass out of U & Me!!!

Incident 2 - 11/08/2005
Today when I took a train to work, this lady who wanna to sit beside me just simply rest her bum on my bag instead of the MRT seat. And most sickenly of all, she just shake her bon bon, adjust her seating position without saying SORRY! I stared so hard at her and yet she simply treat me like TRANSPARENT! But I guess the guy seating opposite me must be wondering why am I staring so hard at the lady beside me. If you ever get to read my blog, now you'll know why!

Why is it so difficult to say SORRY??? Simply ill-mannered! mailto:*@!&#

Incident 3 - 11/08/2005
On the same train there was this lady who seemed to be pregnant and I saw her keep rolling the tissue in her palms, then she started to massage her palms and fingers and rubbed the tissues into a ball form then to stick form. I don't understand what's the rationale of doing this. I can
only see that tissue bits are falling all around her seat and even on her bag. Hey! Do you know that you are considered "Littering" by spreading those tiny tissue bits on the train's ground???

Wednesday, August 10, 2005



说实话,我本身是支持伟联的,在我心中他绝对是SUPERSTAR,勇敢面对舆论参赛,抱着不死精神面对挑战,不懈努力改进歌艺。奈何这个比赛寻找的是SUPERSTAR(巨星),所以,能唱是不足够的,还得能跳、能“看”〔这里的“能看”指的是有迷人的外貌〕。虽然伟联样子还不赖,可是在众男参赛者当中仅属一般。支持归支持,现实的残酷不得不面对。 不论结果如何,伟联的实力,大家是有目共睹的!!!





Friday, August 05, 2005

Hey! Where are all your manners?

I do not understand why nowadays, people are getting more & more stingy... They are getting so stingy that I no longer can tolerate with them!

Stingy with $$$? I still can understand, at least this helps you "build up" your wealth huh? But, why one need to be stingy with the basic manners? Why is it so difficult to say "Please", "Excuse Me", "Sorry", "Thanks"? By saying all these, you will not have any cents lesser! And worse of all, stingy with a big warm smile... Or maybe you are just too shy to show your yellowish, stained teeth?

Com'on, these are just some basic manners! If you can't even do such simple stuff, how do you expect the world to change for the better, and become a better place to live in?

At times, I offer my seat to the more "needy ones", they simply take over the seat without saying thanks. Not that I need you to show me gratitude just because I offer my seat to you, but, can you at least show me a smiling face? This helps to brighten up my day.

Many times, people stepped on my foot without saying "Sorry", some even stared at me as if it was my fault. While others simply turned their face away, and not even a sense of guilt! How do I react? Well, if I'm in a good mood, I'll forgive them. If not, I will stare at them & simply say loudly, "Some people simply don't know how to say sorry, what RUDE manners!!!" Often, I see that stranger's face turned red from embarrassment after my stmt. Ha, serve you right!

Not sure if you are aware of the left-right rule of using the escalators. The right side of the escalators are meant for people rushing for time. But many times, idiots simply stand there and even if they can hear from behind that someone rushing up the escalators, they remained stand still. Well, if I have asked for you to "excuse me" and you simply love to be a statue, sorry, I will just have to knock my way through!

Many times people just pushed their way out of the congested train without saying "Excuse Me", they can't even be bothered if they have knocked against you. In some other instances, people simply remained stagnant without giving way, even when you ask them to kindly excuse you so that you can get out of the train cabin. For these idiots, I have my own way to deal with them. I'll try to be nice and polite to them, telling them to please excuse me. Should after having said 3x of "Excuse Me" and still no response/reaction from them, I will push my way through, purposely knocking them to give them a taste of being so inconsiderate! So, am I considered as rude for purposely knocking them, but not forgetting that prior to that, I have politely requested for "Excuse Me" 3x??? I have no answer to that... Just like I have no answer to whether I'm a devil or an angel...

Judgement Time!

A message from Friendster:

From: xxxxxx
Subject: You've got Male!
Message: Hi, xx! You are beautiful. I like you. What say you we get things started and you let me sms you on your mobile phone? Let's get in touch. Cheers.

Reply to the message:

From: xx
Subject: Re:You've got Male!
Oops! (Gulp)Hi, xxxxxx. Guess you r mistaken by the primary display pix. It's a pix of a Japanese Music group - Do As Infinity, and the lady in the pix is the lead singer. I'm juz a plain looking gal, heeeheee.... So sorry to have mislead you :P Pai Seh ler...

After this reply, guess what happened? No more response lah! Of course! Haha... Can I say that this guy is creative/witty to play with the word pun of Male(Mail)? Or Should I say that he is very direct, hits to the nail? I would think that he is shallow indeed, to vanish in thin air upon hearing Devilz-Angel is a plain looking gal... Anyway, who cares? Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. How plain looking is to be considered plain looking? How beautiful is to be considered as beautiful? It all depends on individual's perception.

On second thoughts, could he had been too embarrassed to wanna continue befriend Devilz-Angel? Errr...? Maybe I should not be too quick to make judgement huh?

Now, you must be real curious about the photo that misled xxxxxx to believing that Devilz-Angel is very beautiful huh? Here it is ...

P/S: Devilz-Angel simply love the composition of the above photo, that's why it is displayed as the primary photo in friendster. However after this incident, this is no more Devilz-Angel's primary photo. To avoid similar scenario, ha...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Contradictions in LOVE

Came across the below phrase which I think is meaningful and would like to share with you guys...

Love is very patient, but we are mostly impatient.
Love is very kind, but we are frequently unkind.
Love knows no jealousy, but we are often jealous.
Love makes no parade, but we are proud.
Love is never rude, but we are often rude and ill mannered.
Love is never selfish, but we are mostly self-centered.
Love never gets irritated, but we are short-tempered very often.
Love is never resentful, but we seem to look for slights and wrongs and make note of it.
Love is never glad when someone else goes wrong, but we often take secret delight in someone else's failure.
Love is gladdened by goodness, and is always slow to expose and eager to believe the best, but we are often judgmental.

Something worth pondering: Angels are supposed to be angelic but there are times of devilish acts. Are Angels no more Angels by these acts? Or have Angels transformed to Devils upon these acts?

Why Can't We be Polite to Our Loved Ones as to People Whom We Are NOT related?

Why is it that we can be so rude, short-tempered, and impatient with the folks that we love the most, yet would never consider behaving in this manner with people that we are not related to? The answer lies in the dynamics of family life. We have to put up with one another, no matter what. Most family members admit to loving each other, if not exactly liking the other guy every single moment. In other words, we're kind of stuck with a grumpy Grandpa, a nagging Mom, an inconsiderate older sister, or a rambunctious little brother. They're not going anywhere and neither are we. This leads to a tendency to take one another for granted. That's normal and part of the nature of family life in most homes. We are not on our best behavior because we are so used to each other, assume that members will always be there, and are often so absorbed in our own needs and activities that we cannot see beyond the tips of our collective noses.

That often leads to a distinct family dynamic that is impolite, rude, or even offensive. In other words, we get relationship-lazy, and it's an insidious process. Not only are the kids culprits but so are Mom and Dad. Many parents barely get in a few sentences to each other, let alone polite conversation, before dinner has to be made, dishes done, homework supervised, and baths completed. Often children see their folks barking out commands to one another with rarely a civil word spoken. And these are not necessarily folks whose marriages are in trouble — they are just too busy, preoccupied, or stressed out to take the time to see how they are miscommunicating and too distant, lazy, or frightened to make some changes.

Hope the above extract can help to clarify xi-yuan's doubt on why she still can hold her cool towards her colleague but not with her mum.

"Devil or Angel" Hmm, interesting! Hi, xi-yuan, welcomed to the wonderland of Devilz Heaven, hahaha...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005



Monday, August 01, 2005

《绝对SUPERSTAR 》绝对劲爆讲

* 某女参赛者的姐姐,大肆分发观赛入门票,但条件是必须坐在支持女参赛者的观众席上,大力表示支持 。
*某男参赛者的“干妹妹”,发送大量的E-mails, 要求亲朋好友们多多支持她的“干哥哥”。

其实以上所列,有者已刊登于某周刊。 我所要说的是, 以这样的趋势来说,所谓的观众缘, 根本就是瞎扯!只要有钱有势,要赢不难。只要亲朋好友够多,想赢不难。如有前学府或就读学府的大力支持,想赢应该不难。如台下评判是恩师,胜出的机会是否又会高一点?

所谓热线投票制度,根本无透明度,一人多票制,又怎能说明谁最受欢迎; 其中一些翻身赛的参赛者明明是大热门却栽跟头,搞不好其实也是计划当中。

近年来,越来越多类似的比赛,表面上是要栽培有潜质的新星,可是却不见任何闪亮的星。只见主办当局越来越热衷使用热线投票来选拔下一关的入围者,其实皆因热线投票可带来一笔可观的收入。观众们,您的每一票, 不仅决定了参赛者的“生死”,还能决定主办当局的收入呢!说穿了,《绝对SUPERSTAR》,也只不过是主办当局的另一个赚钱的工具罢了。

什么跟什么嘛?说什么《绝对SUPERSTAR》跟《SINGAPORE IDOL》不一样 ,其实根本就无多大差别嘛,你说是不?